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T he wisest man to have ever lived, Solomon, asserts that the supreme thing is wisdom (Proverbs 4:7). He labelled it as the ‘treasure of treasures!’ Therefore, you and I must do all that is within our power to possess wisdom.

Possessing wisdom is possessing understanding. Thus, your all round success, lasting transformation and uniqueness will be due to wisdom. This is because wisdom is ‘the correct application of knowledge or understanding (God-given knowledge in life’s situations – Proverbs 1:7)’.

Struggling and struggles are a strong indication of lack of wisdom – the lack of knowledge to apply in life’s situations (Matthew 7:24-27 and James 3:15-17)

An Impure Heart

Have you ever come across a dirty kitchen? It will be unusual for you to come across a restaurant’s or hotel’s kitchen with no ‘No Admission’ or ‘No Entry (for unauthorised persons)’ sign. Apart from ensuring no strangers gain entry into the kitchen, I think customers are not meant to see how the kitchen looks or what goes on in the kitchen.

Illustration 1:

In my family, we are only two (2) boys. When we were young, our mother gave us a strict instruction for cleaning the house (on Saturdays). She demanded that we start cleaning the house from the kitchen using water containing detergent and bleach. Thereafter, we moved to the toilet then clean from the farthest part of the house to the front door. Much later, this made us appreciate the high levels that a kitchen requires.

Illustration 2:

One time, my son had an unusual swelling on his left leg, between the knee and the ankle, somewhere on his shin. After appraising his condition, his mother and I decided to take him to a doctor.

After having a look at the swelling, the doctor booked him for an operation later that day. So when it was time for him to be operated on, we were not allowed to set foot in the operating room (surprisingly, doctors are not restrictive with the delivery room!).

Our presence in the operating room could have contaminated the sterile environment. Sadly, many of us do not have a ‘No Entry’ sign on the doors of our hearts to keep impurities out. Just like impurities would interfere with the normal functions in the kitchen and the operating room, impurities interfere with the normal functioning of our hearts. Impurities such as pride, bitterness, selfishness, selfish competition, envy, hypocrisy, malice and guile cause of hearts to malfunction, with the evidence manifesting in our behaviours (actions). The end result being the breaking and estranging of relationships (fellowships) (Genesis 3:6-11).

Remember, man is made up of body (flesh), soul (mind) and spirit (heart). In the Bible, the terms heart and spirit are used interchangeably, a great example being Psalm 51:10.

The Blessing of a Pure Heart

A pure heart attracts two (2) blessings: Honour and God’s presence.


Proverbs 22:11 NIV
One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have a king for a friend.

The secret to greatness is a gracious speech. That is, a speech that is acceptable, agreeable, courteous, forgiving, gentle, kind, merciful and pleasing in its content (words).

Therefore, a gracious man is a man with a pure heart. It is the graciousness in such a man that attracts great (noble) men to choose him as their friend (1 Samuel 17:57-18:4 and Psalm 45:2 (Luke 4:22 and John 7:46)).

Graciousness, and gracious speech for this matter, makes a person beautiful. It makes you become delightful and pleasant.

God’s presence

Matthew 5:8 NIV
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

The goal of Christianity is to finally see God (Revelation 22:3-4 and 1 John 3:2-3). The end of all is to be admitted into God’s tangible presence, just as it was in the Garden of Eden (Psalm 24:3-4 and James 4:8).

Here on earth, God’s presence is literally ‘heaven-on-earth’ (for we fellowship with God through our spirits – Matthew 22:37 (John 4:24)). It is the key to fruitful Christian living, especially answered prayers (Psalm 27:7-9).

Glory to the Most High God!


Bible verses to help you in deeply understanding and praying for a pure heart:

Matthew 15:17-20 and 12:33-34 (Luke 6:45)
Proverbs 4:23
Colossians 4:5-6 (Psalm 139:23-24)

Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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