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What if I reveal to you that being different is the key to unending success in your life?

God’s Testimony of Caleb

In Numbers 14:24, God testifies about Caleb’s different spirit and faithfulness. God, therefore, commits to taking him into the Promised Land (Israel).

In addition, Caleb was also a witness to God’s glory during the deliverance (exodus) of the Israelites from Egypt). He witnessed the 10 plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the flowing of water from a rock, among other great signs and wonders. Therefore, Caleb experienced God’s power first-hand.

A different spirit takes God’s glory at heart

Luke 2:19

The Exploration of the Land

Of interest is that Caleb shot into the limelight just as the Israelites were about 40 days away from making entry into the Promised Land. He was among the twelve (12) tribal leaders that the Lord had commanded Moses to send out to explore the Promised Land. They were to accomplish this task in the 40 days and according to the following.

  1. The locations
  2. The kind of land – good or bad?
  3. The strength and number of the inhabitants
  4. The towns and their fortifications
  5. The soil fertility
  6. The trees coverage
  7. The fruits

The 12 leaders (spies) saw the same things in the Promised Land. And they presented the following common findings.

  1. The Land flowed with milk and honey, and brought some of its fruit
  2. The inhabitants of the Land were powerful and Anak’s descendants were domiciled there too
  3. The cities were large and fortified

Caleb’s Different Spirit

However, Caleb disagreed with most of these findings because he had a different spirit. Thus, he silenced the people by encouraging them to go up and take possession of the Land for they could do it.

Caleb’s different spirit was based on strong convictions. Your being different should be based on strong convictions too. These convictions are based on God’s revelation. They are also based on His promised company (presence) and fulfillment of His purpose in your life.

The following two (2) convictions are very helpful in developing a different spirit within yourself.

Once defeated, twice detailed

Despite Caleb’s encouragement, the other 11 spies still maintained their position. They said that they couldn’t attack the inhabitants of the Land because they were stronger. They considered themselves to be way smaller than the Canaanites – they referred to themselves as grasshoppers. Further, they also claimed that the Land devours. And when the Israelites heard these things, they grumbled and considered a coup.

Caleb, now joined with Joshua, tore their clothes and continued to insist that they could take possession of the Land. According to them, the Land was good just as God had mentioned (Matthew 7:24-27).

Caleb’s different spirit manifested itself when a crisis on the report of the Land emerged. He even added that the covering (protection) of the Canaanites had been removed. Likewise, your difference should clearly be seen in the times of crises. This is so because of the knowledge and understanding that everything is under God’s control. His acts are unquestionable (Numbers 14:9).

Leaders can mislead thus make their followers take a wrong stand. In other words, how you perceive can be affected by your leader’s report.

God’s promises

Over 40 years later, Caleb was still focused on taking hold of God’s promises (Joshua 14:6-15). It is no coincidence that the name Caleb means bold or dog. This explains why Caleb was able to take hold of God’s promises after felling the giants that stood in his way.

Therefore, God’s promises are most often surrounded by giants. These giants will demand that you put your faith in action.

Honey is surrounded by giants known as bees while rose flowers are surrounded by giants in the form of thorns

God’s promises are also surrounded by bad reports (unbelievers). This will demand that you literally stick to God’s Word (Hebrews 11:6).

Therefore, a different spirit is all about God’s promises. Particularly taking hold of the same.

God’s promises demand persistence or perseverance. This is because a different spirit is complemented by faithfulness (commitment). It is long-term living.

God’s promises also demand the right focus and perspective. This involves pitting the features of your promised land, such as large cities or strong inhabitants, against God. It is also putting all things under your dominion – that, you’re able and the inhabitants of your land are bread for you.


Only Caleb possessed due to his different spirit. Thus, your different spirit is what will be key in your successes. Meaning, your spirit (man) has to dominate your flesh (physical man) for you to be successful.

The fact that Caleb was from the tribe of Judah is not an accident. The name Judah means praise. When you keenly observe Caleb’s dealings, you’ll see serious praise of God.

Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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