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D o you know the true meaning of Christmas? Since every December 25th, many people across the world celebrate Christmas. And it is usually a wonderful time of every year.

Those who celebrate Christmas celebrate it in a variety of ways. Mostly the celebration involves first attending Christmas service, and then sharing meals and exchanging gifts with loved ones in well-decorated homes.

But what is the true meaning of Christmas?

Christmas is really the “mass for Christ”. Therefore, “mass for Christ” is what becomes “Christmas”. Meaning that people mark the birth of Christ on Christmas day.

Therefore, the birth of Jesus Christ is what gives meaning to Christmas. And this is because the birth of Jesus was unique in all ways.

Jesus’ birth had been predicted thousands of years before it occurred (Isaiah 7:14, Psalm 72:9-10, and Micah 5:2). His parents, therefore, found themselves under the order to go and register in their hometown (Luke 2:1-5). And while they were there, their baby was born (Luke 2:6-7). All these happened as per the predictions.

But Jesus’ birth didn’t take place on December 25th. This was a convenient date when it was selected in the fourth century.

Why was Jesus born?

Jesus was born to pay the price for our sins (Matthew 1:21). That is, He was born to grow and die on our behalf.

Remember, sin had introduced death (Genesis 3). Thus, the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

Consequently, Christ had to be born and thereafter to die to bring you and me salvation (John 3:16-17). God out of love became a man (John 1 and 1 John 4:8) so that He could save you and me.

His original desire was fellowship with men (Genesis 1-2). But sin got in the way and created a rift between God and man. Therefore, God could not fellowship with sinful man.

God, therefore, initiated a plan to restore fellowship between Himself and man (Genesis 3). His plan involved dying for us because sin is punishable by death. He had to shed His blood so that we could be able to fellowship with Him for eternity.

Therefore, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of our Saviour. Adam and Eve’s sin made us all sinners. But Christ’s death and resurrection give each one of us a chance at life for eternity.

All you need to do is invite Jesus into your heart and life. And you will be able to fellowship with God for eternity. And this is why we celebrate Christmas.

Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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