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Why do you need to know how to confidently face and completely fell your giants? Because giants are part and parcel of our lives. Therefore, if you haven’t encountered them, then sooner or later, you will come face to face with them. Otherwise, you have just faced one, facing one or going to face one.

It is custom for giants to come in big sizes and all forms. Therefore, they will often be intimidating. They will also be characterized by two (2) characteristics.

First: Giants won’t go away until you make them to. Second: The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

If I had not been encouraged by a senior player,
I would not have played the sport of rugby in High School.
As freshmen, we looked at the size of the senior players
and couldn’t gather the courage to tackle them when
they ran the ball. Fortunately, one read our predicament
and told us, “The bigger they are, the harder the fall.”
This was my turning point. The rest is history.

How To Confidently Face And Completely Fell Your Giants

Jehovah Alpha

Introduce God into the giant-occupied situation. It was only David who introduced God into the challenge. He did this because he was courageous.

When he put the giant (problem or challenge) into spiritual perspective, everything started to shift. He emphasized that Goliath was uncircumcised. This meant that he was not under the covenant that was covering the Israelites. He was also motivated by the reward that had been offered for the one who would fell Goliath. He understood that God ‘rewards those who earnestly seek him‘.

There is a lady who had a son.
One evening, her son burst into the house and
reported that he had lost his contacts in a mud pool,
and hadn’t found them after searching for 30 minutes.
The lady burst out of house after asking where the pool was.
3 minutes later, she returned with the contacts.
It was easy for her to find the contacts as she,
not her son, knew their high cost (value).
She put the loss in monetary terms.

Prior Responsibility and Obedience

Be responsible and obedient. David was both a shepherd and a musician. Shepherding was a preserve of the last-born. Despite being the king’s musician, David still carried out his father’s assignments diligently.

It is these small assignments (things) for other people that prepare you for big assignments.
This is also known as the ‘wisdom for small things and other peoples things‘.
God uses these things to in His grand plan for your life – your best days lie ahead.

Avoid and Overcome Negativity

Avoid negative people. Most often than not, negativity comes from those that are close to you (David’s three elder brothers). At other times it comes from leaders (Saul).

Negativity can also be manifested in rejection.
David’s elder brothers used to put him down. He, however, did not allow himself to stay put down.
Rejection is a clear sign that God is up to something big in your life.

Testimony is a powerful weapon in your arsenal

The words that David spoke to the soldiers in the battle field were repeated before Saul. This caused Saul to summon David.

And when David was before Saul, he repeated bolder words of what he had told the soldiers in the battle field. When Saul doubted him, he added that he had struck and killed a lion and a bear while he tended his father’s flock of sheep. These not only encouraged and motivated David, they also motivated Saul to send him in the name of the Lord.

The lion and the bear that you struck dead prepared you for Goliath and his relatives.
Your past victories trained you for your present battle. They’re also to encourage you for the same.
In a nutshell, your words are a powerful weapon against your giants.

Be yourself

After being convinced that David could challenge Goliath, Saul had him dress up in his armor and carry his weapons. But David was not used to them, so he did not go out in the same.

Don’t fit in; don’t use someone else’s untested weapons or tactics. Use what you’re used to.
You would never know if they’ve been rejected by God like Saul. The battle is the Lord’s; no weapon will prevail against you.

Jehovah Omega

David went up against Goliath in the name of the Lord. He struck Goliath with a stone and he fell face-down. And thus, David triumphed over Goliath the giant.

The name of the Lord is powerful and mighty.
Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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