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The prayer for deliverance from your enemies is motivated by the reality that you’ll likely have enemies at the place where God has planted you. And since we spend most of the time that we are awake at work, then you’re likely to have enemies at your place of work.

When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously.

Daniel 6:10English Standard Version (ESV)

God always blesses His own. Thus, they end up prospering in their work. And most often than not, prosperity comes with promotion and enemies in equal measure.

Daniel 6 verifies that workplace enemies swing into action when you are due for a promotion courtesy of your good work. But before the promotion comes knocking, you will not know that your success is an issue. Your success will have strategically positioned you for promotion.

So when word goes out that you are due for a promotion because of your blessed work, your enemies will become active. They start to look for ways to bring you down before your superiors.

Daniel was positioned for a promotion courtesy of his success. And his colleagues turned into enemies courtesy of the same. Then they looked for a way to stop the promotion from happening.

They, therefore, schemed to have the king make a law concerning worship that Daniel would break. And they did succeed because Daniel was totally devoted to God. But it was only for a limited time. God finally delivered him.

Prayer for Deliverance from Your Enemies

God can deliver you from your enemies too. He is faithful.

So when you learn of your enemies’ schemes, you engage in prayer. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (James 5:16). And deliverance from your enemies’ schemes will be the answer. With that, God will have saved you from your enemies.

Also, regularly praying against workplace schemes will be greatly helpful. So that such schemes never materialize.

Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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