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Safeguarding Your Destiny

‘Safeguarding your destiny’ is the next thing to do after you have discovered your destiny (calling). This is due to the fact that satan will hinder you from entering into and functioning in your destiny. He will do this just like he did to, Peter, the disciple of Christ – he asked to sift him like wheat (in Luke 22:31-32).

Jesus warned Peter based on the foreknowledge of his denial of Him. Much later, in 1 Peter 5:8, Peter warns us about satan who is always on the lookout for someone to devour.

Lessons from Jesus’ Warning to Peter

From Jesus’ warning, we can draw the following three (3) lessons with regard to satan’s opposition towards you.

Opposition is aimed at you

When you are aware of your destiny, you become an important part of God’s kingdom. You are like a play-maker in a football game.


This importance (status) is what attracts opposition from satan and his agents. And for your information, satan’s objective is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) your destiny (destination).

Opposition has to be allowed by God

From the passage in the Bible book of Job, the devil has to beg for permission to mess with you. And because you are a play-maker, you can handle it.


Job’s wife and friends couldn’t handle the opposition

Therefore, God sets up the necessary boundaries for the devil because He knows your breaking point. He knows the maximum opposition that you can handle (Job 13:15, 1 Corinthians 10:13 and 2 Corinthians 12:7-9). And He still has to get you to your destination.


In addition, He knows that sifting is good (beneficial) for you. It is only when wheat in a field has matured, that a farmer can be able to differentiate and separate wheat from tares (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43). It is the sifting process that separates chaff from you – chaff has got to be separated from you.


Read a related Sermon titled ‘No Loss, No Gain

Opposition means God has prayed for you

He has prayed the following three (3) things for you. That:

  • Your faith shouldn’t fail
  • Faith is the thing that moves God – it is the currency of God’s Kingdom (Hebrews 11:6). It is the facilitator of miracles (Matthew 13:58 and Mark 6:46) and what puts you in right standing with God (Romans 4:3).

  • You return to Him in the case that you fall
  • Even though the Prodigal Son left, he finally returned home, back to his father (Luke 15:11-32). Similarly, when you return, remember that God loves you and He has a sure destiny for you (Romans 8:28-30).

  • You may strengthen others
  • Your mess is meant to be a message to another or others; your test is meant to be a testimony to someone. You are meant to be a blessing.

    Cliff Lukaye

    Author Cliff Lukaye

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