”David also said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.
1 Chronicles 28:20New International Version (NIV)
1 Chronicles 28:20 (Daily Bible Verse)
Be Strong and Courageous
In 1 Chronicles 28:20, King David told his son Solomon, to “be strong and courageous“. He told him this as he charged him, together with the other officials of Israel, with the work of building the temple, the kingship, and service of the temple.
David’s census and God’s judgment
1 Chronicles 21 records that Satan rose against Israel and incited David to number Israel, a move that displeased God, thus, making Him strike Israel (1 Chronicles 21:1-7). Consequently, David confessed his sin to God and asked Him for forgiveness (1 Chronicles 21:8). God gave David 3 options, which he countered by asking God, not men, to discipline him (1 Chronicles 21:13). He, therefore, sent a pestilence that killed 70,000 men (1 Chronicles 21:14).
Additionally, when His angel was about to destroy Jerusalem while situated on the threshing floor of Ornan, God relented and stopped him (1 Chronicles 21:15). At that time, David saw God’s angel standing between earth and heaven with a sword drawn out over Jerusalem, so he and elders with him fell on their faces (1 Chronicles 21:16). He then reminded God to deal with him only, not the people, because he was the one who had sinned (1 Chronicles 21:17).
Thereafter, the angel of God commanded Gad to tell David to raise an altar to God on the threshing floor of Ornan, which he obeyed (1 Chronicles 21:18-26). Then God commanded His angel to put his sword back in its sheath (1 Chronicles 21:27).
David’s resolution and preparations for building the temple
David, therefore, sacrificed on the threshing floor of Ornan and resolved that that place would host the house of God and the altar of burnt offering for Israel (1 Chronicles 21:28-22:1). He also made preparations for the building of the temple by providing great quantities of building materials (1 Chronicles 22:2-5) and charging his son Solomon with building the same according to God’s word, praying for his success, and beseeching him to keep God’s law (1 Chronicles 22:6-13a).
Furthermore, David commanded Solomon to be strong and courageous and prayed to God to be with him (1 Chronicles 22:13b-16). He also commanded all of Israel’s leaders to help Solomon (1 Chronicles 22:17-19).
Organization for the building of the temple
Therefore, when David became old, he made Solomon king of Israel (1 Chronicles 23:1) and organized the Levites for the work of service of the house of God (1 Chronicles 23:2-32). He also organized the priests (1 Chronicles 24), the musicians (1 Chronicles 25), gatekeepers (1 Chronicles 26:1-19), the treasurers and other officials (1 Chronicles 26:20-32), and the military (1 Chronicles 27:1-15) and the leadership of the tribes (1 Chronicles 27:16-34).
Finally, David assembled all the officials of Israel, of the tribes, of the king, of the military, his sons, and warriors. He then charged them with the building of the temple, his choice of king, the kingship of Solomon, and the observance of God’s commands as the condition for them and their children in possessing the land (1 Chronicles 28:1-8).
King David then charged his son to know God and serve Him with his whole heart and willing mind, and build the house of God (1 Chronicles 28:9-10). He then gave him the plan for building the temple and the service in it (1 Chronicles 28:11-19). And he encouraged him to “be strong and courageous and do the work, and utilize the people at his command (1 Chronicles 28:20-21).
Strength and courage
You will, therefore, realize that strength and courage are the requirements for the good work that God prepared for you (Ephesians 2:10). Twice, David charged his son Solomon to be strong and courageous (1 Chronicles 22:13b-16 and 1 Chronicles 28:20). And three times, God encouraged Joshua with these very words as he prepared him to lead the nation of Israel into the Promised Land to possess it (Joshua 1), a task that was herculean in nature.
But why did both David (and God) use these words in their charges and encouragement? Because this would be both comforting and encouraging to Solomon with regard to the task and responsibility that lay ahead of him.
God even went further to reveal to Joshua how to access that specific strength and courage. He commanded him to “the Book of the Law always on his lips; meditate on it day and night so that he could carefully do everything written in it. Then he would be prosperous. And He would be with Him.”
Peter and John
After Peter and John had healed a lame man in the name of Jesus, the Sanhedrin (High Jewish Court) commanded them, “Stop it!” or they would undoubtedly face the consequences (more imprisonment and flogging). Instead of withdrawing, the disciples got together and prayed for strength and boldness (courage) to continue sharing the love of God and healing in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:29-31).
Do not fear
Therefore, you should not let fear cripple your plans to accomplish God’s assignment. Because God who called you will enable/equip you with strength and courage (Isaiah 40:29 and 2 Timothy 1:7), the essential requirement for the work you are meant/about to do for Him. Through the presence of His Spirit, He will come through with these two (John 15:5).
He will also be with you. Meaning, you will not be alone. And, you will do it for God.
Lord, help me realize and acknowledge that “without You, I can do nothing”. And consequently, give me the strength and courage I require to do your work.
What an assurance to know that You will walk with me until Your work is accomplished.
I bless You and honor You for all this. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
1 Samuel 25-27 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))