”But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
1 Peter 3:15New International Version (NIV)
1 Peter 3:15 Devotional (Daily Bible Verse)
Revere Christ as Lord
In 1 Peter 3:15, Peter reminds you and me that our focus should be on revering Christ as Lord. That is, our focus should be on “treating Christ as holy” or “regarding Him reverently”.
The meaning of First Peter chapter 3 verse 15
But what is the context of Peter’s command? What is the actual meaning of 1st Peter 3:15?
Now, in his letter, Peter had already told the believers that they were “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). And as a “holy nation,” they were set apart to be different from the world.
Moreover, Peter’s statement also applies to you and me. We are the holy nation of God.
Suffering for righteousness
Therefore, in a world where we are different and seen as being different, with respect to our lives of faith, we will attract suffering. And this suffering will either be persecution from the government (1 Peter 2:13-18, and 4:15-16) or from unjust masters (1 Peter 2:18-19).
Moreover, the suffering will be because as believers/Christians, we will always have an opposing worldview to the authorities over us. And this will always create fertile grounds for differences and conflicts.
Suffering should be expected
In other words, Peter was reminding his audience, and by extension, you and me, to expect to suffer. Peter, therefore, highlighted that Christ suffered for us as our example of gentleness and suffering for righteousness’ sake.
Consequently, Christ is an example of hope to us (1 Peter 1:21, and 2:21-23). And He is the one you are to draw your inspiration from.
The right conduct
But remember, Peter wrote to believers who were trying to figure out the right way to live and the right words to say in a society that was marginalizing them. Because the truth they held was out of step with what many people wanted to hear.
Therefore, they were being accused of many things in an attempt to discredit them. But this was generally carried out in an unjust manner. And it is in this context of enduring suffering for righteousness sake (1 Peter 3:14) that Peter commands believers to honor Christ as Lord.
Consequently, you are to treat Christ within the special status that He holds (see Hebrews 9:13-14) – you are to respect Him. And you are to view yourself with respect to Christ’s special status.
Therefore, as a Christian, your holiness will ultimately come from your devotion to Christ. And in our present-day opposing culture, your holiness will therefore lead to suffering.
Consequently, if you are to suffer, it should be because you have honored Jesus as Lord (in your heart). It should not be because you have dishonored him in conduct or speech. And this is what will lead the world to require an explanation from us.
We must therefore not forget to explain the reason for our hope with gentleness and respect. For this is the way of holiness.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You will help me to love what is good and hate what is evil. This is Your divine work, one which You Yourself can only accomplish within me.
I also pray that You will deliver me from temptation. This is my humble prayer in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Acts 26-28 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))