”if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14New International Version (NIV)
2 Chronicles 7:14 Devotional
God will forgive and heal those who humble themselves before Him – God will forgive and heal those who repent
2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us that when we humble ourselves before God in prayer and repentance, either individually or corporately, God will forgive us and heal our land. This is God’s promise to you and me.
Consequently, from the context of this verse, we observe Solomon’s dedication of the temple. And God appeared to him that night and gave him some reassurances and warnings.
Therefore, the immediate context of 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 (2 Chronicles 7:12-14) reveals that God had warned Solomon that He would send judgment upon the land of Israel when they would disobey Him. And the judgments were to be in the form of drought, locusts, and pestilence.
Remember, God’s covenant relationship with Israel featured a direct correspondence between their obedience (disobedience) and prosperity (judgment) (Deuteronomy 28). Consequently, their obedience would lead to prosperity, and their disobedience to judgment. And this is why in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14, God reminded Solomon of the special kind of relationship He had with them.
Moreso, in 2 Chronicles 7:19-22, God told Solomon that if Israel would turn away from, and forsake His commands, and worship other gods, He would remove them from the land. This is why 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 talks about repentance.
Therefore, in the unique way that God’s grace works, judgment was meant to trigger repentance. For in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14, God told Solomon that “if they humbled themselves and prayed and sought His face and turned away from their wicked ways, He would hear and forgive their sin and heal their land”. And the Old Testament happenings are meant to serve as examples (warnings) to us (1 Corinthians 10:11-12).
Consequently, true repentance involves turning away from sin and wicked ways. But you must first come to the realization that you are living in sin and wickedness, contrary to God’s will. And this is what judgment and chaos (Luke 15:11-32) are meant to be of help.
Therefore, humbling yourself before God involves drawing near to Him. This is the foundation for revival (divine visitation or restoration) because it involves total surrender (brokenness and selflessness), urgency (in hungering after God), and holiness (turning away from and hating sin).
Repentance always precedes revival. So, before God can revive you, you must repent. It’s no wonder that Israel had to repent before God could forgive them and heal their land (send rain, remove locusts, and stop the plague). And Jesus is our temple (John 2:19-21), to whom we humble ourselves.
Lord God, I humble myself before You and your most-high throne in repentance. Break and revive me Lord. For I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you humble yourself before God starting today. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Numbers 12-13 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))