”But the child’s mother said, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So he got up and followed her.
2 Kings 4:30New International Version (NIV)
2 Kings 4:30 Devotional
I will not leave you
“I will not leave you” (2 Kings 4:30) is a remarkable example of a statement of faith that doesn’t give up. And in this statement, we can clearly observe the Shunammite woman’s resolve to have her son healed by the prophet Elisha.
Moreover, we can learn a lot from the Shunamite’s behavior during her trying period. So that when the storms and difficulties of life come your way in relation to God’s blessing (because they will!), and you are literally “going through hell”, what you mustn’t do is give up!
The Shunammite woman’s context
The Shunammite woman first encountered Elisha when he went to Shunem. And she consequently invited Elisha for a meal (2 Kings 4:8a).
A room for the prophet
Therefore, whenever Elisha was in Shunem, he would eat his meals at this woman’s place (2 Kings 4:8b). And this made her suggest to her husband that they make a room for him on the roof of their house because Elisha continually passed by their house. She reasoned that Elisha could stay there whenever he passed by (2 Kings 4:9-10).
The prophet’s burden and reward
So, one day, when Elisha passed by the Shunammite’s house, he called for the woman. And when she had come to his presence, Elisha asked her what could be done for her before the king or the commander of the army in return for what she had done for them (2 Kings 4:11-13a).
But she informed Elisha that she dwelt among her people (2 Kings 4:13b). That is, there was really nothing that she needed from the king or the commander of the army.
Therefore, as Elisha wondered what could be done for her (2 Kings 4:14a), Gehazi, his servant, opined that a son would be perfect since her husband was old (2 Kings 4:14b).
Consequently, Elisha called for her and prophesied that she would embrace a son by a similar time the following year (2 Kings 4:15-16a). And she thought that it was a lie (2 Kings 4:16b). But she did conceive and bear a son just as Elisha had prophesied (2 Kings 4:17).
The woman’s son died
But one day, after the woman’s son had grown, he died (2 Kings 4:18-20). So she laid him on the prophet’s bed and went to look for him at Mount Carmel (2 Kings 4:21-25a). And when Elisha saw her from afar, he sent Gehazi to her (2 Kings 4:25b-26).
When the Shunammite woman came to Elisha, she caught hold of his feet (2 Kings 4:27). And Elisha saw that she was distressed.
Therefore, Elisha sent Gehazi with his staff to the woman’s house to attend to her son (2 Kings 4:28-29. And the woman told Elisha that she wouldn’t leave him (2 Kings 4:30a).
Elisha went up to the woman’s house
Consequently, Elisha arose and followed her up to her house (2 Kings 4:30b-32). And he found the woman’s son dead.
Therefore, Elisha went into his room, shut himself in, and prayed to God (2 Kings 4:33). And thereafter, Elisha laid on him twice and the child opened his eyes (2 Kings 4:34-35).
Finally, Elisha summoned his servant and instructed him to call the woman (2 Kings 4:36a). And when the woman had come, Elisha told her to up her son and go (2 Kings 4:36b-37).
The reward of “I will not leave you” (or persistence)
The persistence of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:30 enabled her to have her son’s life restored. And we can observe that she held onto the source of her blessing, the prophet, for the restoration of the life of her son – the prophet was a type of God.
Therefore, if God’s blessing in your life loses its life, only God can restore it. You only need to go to God with the “dead” blessing, and He will restore it.
Moreover, God’s word says that His blessings are meant to bring joy and not sorrow into our lives (Proverbs 10:22). And Jesus taught us that we need to persist in prayers, for persistent prayers are answered (Luke 18:1-8).
Persistent prayers
Therefore, the reward for persistent prayers is answers to the same. Persistence is what made the Shunammite woman receive her son back alive. And persistence is what made the widow in Jesus’ parable receive her answer.
Additionally, and firstly, this woman on hearing the news about her son’s death didn’t throw a tantrum – as would be typical of any woman getting such news. She was so composed and sought the prophet who was the source of her blessing. And except for the prophet, the woman didn’t engage any other person at any level.
Secondly, the woman looked to the source of her hope never giving up until she got her son back in her arms again. Until you get through your “dead” situation, do not give up on God! Hold on to Him!
May God grant you the grace to persist in your prayers. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
John 1-3 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))