”Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29New International Version (NIV)
Ephesians 4:29 Devotional
Build others up
Paul, in Ephesians 4:29, commands us to “Only let what is helpful to build others up come out of our mouths”. And you and I will be able to build the one who is in need. Because words are the building blocks of our lives.
Words are therefore very necessary in our lives. And it’s no wonder that the Wise Man in Proverbs 18:21 reveals that the “tongue has the power of life and death” – where life points to building up others, and death points to tearing down others.
Therefore, Paul’s main theme in this verse is to stress the importance of the purpose behind your words to those in need. Because your words to them have an impact. Your words have the potential to build up or knock/bring/tear down their recipient.
Consequently, your aim should be to be helpful in your speech so that your listener(s) can be built up according to their needs. And the key to this is for you to use edifying words – evil words will achieve the opposite.
In other words, non-building words (rotten speech) like insults, ridicule, negative criticism, lies, slander, gossip, profanity, and coarse jokes should not be a part of your speech to others (Matthew 15:11). You ought to get rid of them, or be on your guard that they do not become a part of your speech. And this is not an option.
We all stumble
But James states that “anyone who doesn’t stumble in what he says is a perfect man” (James 3:2b). Because the “tongue is a fire and a world of unrighteousness” (James 3:6a). For the “tongue that blesses God is also capable of cursing others” (James 3:9-10).
Exercise grace in your speech
You must, therefore, strive to control your tongue so that you can exercise grace in your speech to ensure that you encourage or praise, appreciate or thank, demonstrate kindness or gentleness, and similar-like. These kinds of speech will show that your heart is full of goodness (Matthew 15:19 and Luke 6:45).
But such kinds of speech that are full of grace manifest the Spirit of God. You, therefore, need to be in submission to God’s Spirit. And God’s Spirit will make you bear His fruit, which is popularly known as the Fruit of the Spirit. That is, you’ll be able to experience grace in your words to others.
Additionally, in order to build others, you need to be a keen listener. You’ll, therefore, need to ask questions and accurately read the non-verbal cues of the person speaking, so that you can perceive their need. This is what will enable you to have a solid base for your “building” response (talk).
Lord, I desire to have a heart that is full of goodness so that I can be beneficial to the ones in need. I, therefore, pray that you help me identify the rotten parts of my speech. Transform me on the inside in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you strive to build the ones in need through your words. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Jeremiah 34-36 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))