”The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
Luke 17:5New International Version (NIV)
Luke 17:5 ~ Increased faith?
“Increased faith” (Luke 17:5) is what the disciples thought they needed in order to receive Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness. At the time, Jesus had just concluded teaching the disciples about forgiveness. And in His teaching, He had admonished the disciples to forgive those who hurt them 70 times 7.
Therefore, Jesus taught His disciples that they needed to forgive those who wronged them whenever they wronged them. This is because 70 times 7 equals 490 times, meaning that they needed to forgive those who wronged them without measure.
But Jesus’ disciples thought that this was hard teaching for them. And I believe it is also hard teaching for us today. Because we forgive too little before we become unforgiving and sometimes vengeful or bitter. We don’t give people as many chances as is demanded of us by Jesus.
The disciples told Jesus to increase their faith
Nevertheless, despite the disciples finding it hard to accept Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness, they asked Him to increase their faith. They most probably thought that their faith was directly proportional to their reception and acceptance of their master’s teachings on forgiveness. Therefore, they asked Jesus for more faith so that they could be able to accept His teachings on forgiveness.
A great misunderstanding of the nature of faith
“Increase our faith!” (Luke 17:5) is a very interesting request because it is a misunderstanding of faith. This is why Jesus was very clear that faith (faithfulness) is not about its size or quantity. That is, the reception and acceptance of kingdom truths and principles are not directly proportional to one’s faith level.
Moreover, if this was so, then the kingdom of God would belong to those who have high levels of faith. But thankfully this is not the case.
Additionally, I want to think that maybe you may have struggled with the matter of the size of our faith. And maybe you may have pondered: “If I just had more faith …”, maybe God would have answered my prayer.
Further, maybe even your fellow Christians have affirmed the idea that the answer to your prayer failed because your faith was little. Consequently, you may have gone on a mission to seek more faith.
The proper understanding of faith
But I want to point to you that Jesus gently corrected His disciples’ thinking and request. He, therefore, taught them that, “Faith is about trusting in an all-powerful God, living faithfully to what you believe in and from Him, and serving faithfully.”
That is, just a little bit of faithful living will change things in our lives. Or simply that, the most basic faithful living for Jesus Christ will transform our lives.
In other words, a “small amount” of genuine faith can accomplish what is considered humanly impossible because faith is a relationship of trust and love, and how we live the same. For we live by faith not because we have enough faith but because we have faith. And that is all we need because faith is a relationship of trust in and love for God.
Jesus, help me recognize and receive the gift of faith that you have gifted me. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you accept that faith is all you need to live victoriously in Christ.
Daily Bible Reading
John 11-12 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))