”“The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2New International Version (NIV)
Exodus 15:2 Devotional
He has become my salvation
Exodus 15:2 states that “He has become my salvation“. And this is inspired by the historical events surrounding the Israelites crossing of the Red Sea.
Moreover, at that time, the Israelites were on the bank of the Red Sea and the Egyptians were in hot pursuit. And the Israelites were dead worried about their impending recapture at the hands of the Egyptian army.
Remember, beforehand, God had just released Israel from under the yoke of bondage of the Egyptians. And He had exacted judgment upon the Egyptian gods in a mighty way. Therefore, Pharaoh, when he “regained his senses”, ordered that the Israelites be captured and restored back to slavery.
However, at the bank of the Red Sea, the Egyptian chariots were closing in fast. And the Israelites had nowhere to run to or hide.
Therefore, Israel panicked and Moses cried out to God. And God parted the Red Sea to a solid and dry ground on which they could cross to the other side.
Consequently, the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. And the Egyptians did not come into contact with them. Therefore, the Egyptians couldn’t destroy or recapture the Israelites.
God destroyed the Egyptians
Additionally, God had allowed the Egyptians to drive their chariots to the middle of the Red Sea crossing before He released the waters on them. Therefore, the Israelites witnessed the army of the Egyptians being destroyed in the middle of the Red Sea, from the comfort of the opposite bank.
Finally, the Israelites saw their years and years of slavery come to a quick and miraculous end. And just as God demonstrated His almighty power in the 10 plagues, He had also done the same at the Red Sea.
Therefore, you can now appreciate the praise of Moses and the Israelites were surely well-founded: that God was their salvation. God had rescued his people, he had saved them from slavery, he had become their salvation and was obviously worthy of their praise.
Consequently, each of the Israelites participated in singing the song of deliverance. And they sang it because God had provided corporate and personal deliverance.
God is our salvation
In all the different times and phases of our difficult times, these are the kinds of words of praise that we can sing to our God. After all, He is our salvation. He will not let you be crushed. And no matter how intimidating or forceful the situation may be, He will keep you from being crushed. This is what the exilic Jews and apostle Paul experienced (Isaiah 25-27, 35, and 44, and 2 Corinthians 4:8-18 respectively).
Nevertheless, God has been our strength, more so when we have been weak. He has upheld us, especially when we or people or things connected to us fell. Therefore, He is truly our salvation.
Father, help me appreciate your power to save me. You have done it in the past. And I know, You will do it in the days to come. Amen.
Sing a song of praise to your God today, for He is worthy of our praise!
Daily Bible Reading
Mark 12-13 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))