”The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
Exodus 33:14New International Version (NIV)
Exodus 33:14 Devotional (Daily Bible Verse)
His presence will go with you
Exodus 33:14 promises that “His presence will go with you“, which is a promise that God gave to Moses when the latter asked the former for the same as he led the Israelites from Mt Horeb into Canaan. Because God had told Moses that He couldn’t go with them as He would destroy them for their great sin in worshipping the golden calf (Exodus 32:33-34).
Nevertheless, the background to God’s promise to Moses is found in Exodus 32:1-33:16. In this passage, the Israelites greatly sinned against God because Moses had delayed returning from the mountain where he had met with God (Exodus 32:1-6).
God, therefore, commanded Moses to return to his people who had become corrupt because they were stiff-necked (Exodus 32:7-9). He also asked Moses to leave Him alone so that His anger could burn against them and He could destroy them, but make him a great nation (Exodus 32:10).
But Moses interceded for Israel, and God relented (Exodus 32:11-14). And thereafter, he went down to the people with the tablets of the covenant of the law (Exodus 32:15-16).
Moses burned with anger
When he got to the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, he burned with anger and threw the tablets down, breaking them into pieces (Exodus 32:19). Moses also burnt the calf, ground it into powder, and then scattered the same on the water, which he made the Israelites drink (Exodus 32:20).
After that, he asked Aaron what the Israelites did to make him lead them into great sin, he commanded the people who were for the Lord to go to him, and the Levites rallied to him (Exodus 32:25-26). He then commanded them to kill their brothers, friends, and neighbors, resulting in the death of 3,000 people, and their being set apart unto God (Exodus 32:27-29).
Moses made an atonement for Israel’s sin
The next day, Moses went back to God to make an atonement for their sin (Exodus 32:30-32). And God told him that He would blot whoever had sinned against Him out of His book, and commanded him to lead the people to the promised land because He would punish them at His appointed time (Exodus 32:33-33:1).
God also told Moses that He would send him with an angel and drive out the inhabitants of the land (Exodus 33:2-3). Therefore, when the people heard that God wouldn’t go with them, they mourned (Exodus 33:4-6). And when Moses met with the Lord in the “tent of meeting”, he told Him that despite God commanding him to lead Israel, and favoring him, He hadn’t let him know who would accompany him (Exodus 33:7-12).
Moses humbled himself before God
Consequently, Moses asked God to teach him His ways so that he would know Him and continue to find favor with Him because Israel was His people (Exodus 33:13). God, therefore, told him that His presence would go with him and He would give him rest (Exodus 33:14). And Moses asked God not to send them without His presence which would show His pleasure with them and distinguish them on earth (Exodus 33:15-16).
The power of intercession
Therefore, it is important for you to appreciate that God had wanted to destroy Israel because of their idolatry (Exodus 32). But Moses interceded for the Israelites and God relented.
Thereafter, God informed Moses that an angel would lead them to the Land of Promise. But when the Israelites heard that God would send an angel to lead them, they mourned.
God’s presence is what you need always
Ultimately, Moses interceded on his own and on behalf of Israel. And God promised to lead them because Moses had found favor before Him (Exodus 33:14).
Moreover, the Bible records that he got more than he asked for (Ephesians 3:20) because God was pleased with him. Consequently, it is important that you don’t go about your day and life alone. God’s promise of granting you His presence was reiterated by Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit
In John 15:26, Jesus said: “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father – the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father – he will testify about me.” These words refer to the Holy Spirit who was granted to us to lead, guide, and empower us in everything we do.
Therefore, God’s Spirit should lead us so that we don’t do anything in the flesh (Galatians 5:16-18). But for God’s Spirit to lead us, we have to allow Him to lead us. And we have to follow His guidance in all our decisions.
This means that God’s presence is available to us. And God can grant you His presence.
He will therefore go with you as you do your work and His work. God’s presence will guide, protect, sustain, comfort, and help you as you serve Him and serve men.
God’s presence will also grow and make you effective in your calling. You will succeed in all your endeavors.
Lord, I thank You for Your glorious presence that is my company. I am glad to be in Your presence. And more and more of You do I desire. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you be assured of God’s presence. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Jonah 1-4 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))