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T he matter of God’s New Beginning for You is inspired by Genesis 12:1-2. Because only God can institute a new beginning in your life.

1 Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.

Genesis 12:1-2 ESV

Abraham left his country, kindred, and father’s house for God’s New Beginning

Consequently, Genesis 12:1-2 recorded that God told Abraham to “leave his country and his kindred and his father’s house, to the land that He would show him, and He would make of him a great nation, bless him, and make his name great so that he would be a blessing”. And Genesis 12:4 recorded that “Abraham heeded God’s call”.

God called Abraham to a New Beginning

Therefore, God called Abraham to His New Beginning for him, and Abraham responded to God’s call in total obedience. And God is now repeating the words that He used to call Abraham to Himself, to you.

God is calling you to a New Beginning. He is calling you to A Fresh Start or A Reset/Reboot because you are not what you are supposed to be.

You have settled where God didn’t plan/intend for you to settle. Therefore, your status quo is not God’s status quo for you.

God is calling you to leave where you are and go to the place He planned for you to go to

So, God is calling you to leave where you are and go to the place He planned for you to go to, which He will show you. He wants you to leave your country, your kindred, and your father’s house so that He can lead you and show you where He wants you to be. God is calling you to His New Beginning for you.

Remember, He is the author of New Beginnings in the lives of people. He wants you to separate yourself from your country, kindred, and father’s house, the 3 things that represent unwanted things in your life. Because these 3 things have made you a function of them.

  1. Country

Your country represents worldliness or secular culture or systems because you have become a function of the same at the expense of being the Christian that God called you to be. You have progressively lost the set of beliefs and traditions that are Christian, in favor of the set of beliefs and traditions that are territorial, which you now practice. Yet, God’s Word clearly states that “friendship with the world is enmity with God” (James 4:4). And God cannot work with you when you are in the enemy zone.

  1. Kindred

Your kindred comprises your relatives who are a representation of specific beliefs and traditions that you have gone back to, maybe even ancient altars. Abraham’s people were idolatrous, but God called him to Himself only (Genesis 17:1-2).

  1. Father’s House

Your father’s house represents generational/systemic issues, more especially patterns and limitations. Because Genesis 11:31 tells you and me that Terah, Abraham’s father, set off for Canaan, but finally never arrived there.

Genesis 13 reveals that Abraham separated from Lot, who is a representation of strife (rivalry) or dishonesty that is rooted in ungratefulness. And this is simply because he tagged him along, in partial disobedience to God’s calling instructions.

Maybe Abraham thought that Lot would cover for his childlessness. Yet God was instituting a new beginning in his life, devoid of people/things outside of his immediate family.


God’s ordination

Additionally, apart from generational/systemic limitations, you could be where you are either because of God’s ordination or tough times. God could be involved in all cases for all I know.


Therefore, and firstly, you could be where you are (that is, country), and in bondage, because God ordained for you to be there. But it was only for a time.

In Genesis 15:13-16, God ordained the Israelites to be in Egypt for about 400 years. But in the fullness of time, Exodus 13:17-18 and 3:1-10 reveal that He delivered them from Egypt (Exodus 13:17-18) after they cried out to Him (Exodus 3:1-10).

So, the country can also represent the bondage you are in. Because the world has bonded many.

If this is your case, therefore, you are not where you are supposed to be, and you are tired of the bondage you are in, and you cannot separate yourself from the same, you only need to cry out to God. And He will deliver you from the place you are in because His power is for those who are weak (Luke 5:31-32).


Secondly, Ruth 1:1-6 recorded that Naomi left the place she was supposed to be (Bethlehem), for a neighboring country (Moab), because of the famine that had ravaged her land. So, she was not where she was supposed to be because of a famine in her homeland. And you too, could be where you are not supposed to be because of a famine in your walk with God.



You are not where you are supposed to be

All in all, you need to separate from your country, your kindred, and your father’s house. Because these 3 represent where you are, yet you are not supposed to be.

But you are to continue towards where you are supposed to be, under God’s leadership. That is, you are supposed to go after God’s New Beginning for you. Because you are supposed to end up where God intended for you to be.

You can still experience God’s New Beginning in your life

But you have not lost it all because you can still experience God’s new beginning in your life by separating from the 3 mentioned things. Because, just as God called Abraham to separate himself from the 3 things that were like baggage before Him, and he obeyed, He is also calling you to separate from the same.

Separation from the 3 is the prerequisite to or preparation for God’s new beginning in Him and yourself. That is, separation is what will position you to be used and blessed by God. Because that is His language and modus operandi through individuals (Acts 13:2).

Honestly, God works with and through individuals who have separated themselves unto Him like Abraham, Moses, and John the Baptist, just to mention but a few.


Additionally, all you need to do is obey just as Abraham did and you will become the new wine skin that God can pour his wine into. Because separation enables you to create room for the new and Genesis 12:4 recorded that Abraham obeyed God by leaving his country, kindred, and father’s house. And your obedience is anchored on trusting God now and in the future.

Cry out to God or Decide to Return to God

Finally, Exodus 13:17-18 recorded that God delivered the Israelites after they cried out to him as recorded in Exodus 3:1-10. Ruth 1:1-6 recorded that Naomi decided to return home, especially after a succession of tragedies came upon her family, making her lose everything she went with to Moab.

You too, can cry to God to deliver you into His New Beginning if you consider yourself weak or make a decision to return to God and experience His New Beginning. That is, you can cry yourself into it or make a decision to experience it because you can’t possess your full God-ordained destiny without separating yourself.

God is calling you to separate yourself

So, God is calling you to separate yourself from your country, kindred, and father’s house, so that He can take you to where you are supposed to be. God wants to take you to your place of promise and make you who you are supposed to be, which is to be a blessing to those around you.

When Jesus called the disciples to Himself, they followed Him without second thoughts, and they impacted the lives of their time. And they’re still impacting our lives through their work then.

You too can just obey God’s call. Or you can cry to Him, or decide to experience His New Beginning. Because a man walking with God can prosper anywhere and impact lives anywhere.


So, may God grant you the grace to separate yourself from Him. May God’s New Beginning manifest in your season now.

Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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