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Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,

Hebrews 12:1New International Version (NIV)

Hebrews 12:1 Devotional

Throw off everything that hinders you and run with endurance

Hebrews 12:1 commands you and me to throw off everything that hinders you and run with endurance, the race that is marked out for us. In other words, the author of this verse tells us, believers, to “throw off everything that hinders” so that we can “run our races with endurance.”

If you have ever participated in a sack race, then you will agree with me that the sack affects your running. You will not be able to run as fast as you would wish. Therefore, you will be hindered from running as fast as you would wish.

Besides, if the race was a marathon, then it would be very difficult to endure to the end. Endurance would be made harder by the hindrance or sin.

Therefore, your endurance will be greatly affected by the hindrance and sin that is yet to be thrown off. It is similar to heavy clothing or some heavy, bulky baggage that will hinder your running in any normal race.

The many (examples) that have run the race of faith before us (Hebrews 11:4-40), have demonstrated the importance of throwing off every (1) hindrance, good or bad, and (2) sin (1 Corinthians 10:23) in order to compete in and complete the races marked out for each of us. This demands self-discipline which is a function of endurance (perseverance or patience).

So whatever you are hindered with, be it unforgiveness, bitterness, or fear. Or maybe it’s lust, greed, or pride. Regardless, there’s a need to throw these things off.


We also are all sinners (Romans 3:23). Therefore, repentance is very important for you and me. Forgetting to confess and take our sins to the Lord is counterproductive.

As Christians/believers, we know that God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us (1 John 1:9). So we don’t have to struggle under hindrances and sin when we can cast them unto Him.

Run with endurance

So let’s throw hindrances off and repent! Then run free and far and fast, with endurance just like the “cloud of witnesses” did before us.


Lord, help me identify and throw off the hindrances that will hamper me from running my race well. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.



May God enable you to throw off the hindrances and sins that are affecting your endurance and enable you to fix your eyes on Jesus Christ, so that you will run well. Amen.


Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 33-36 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))

Hebrews 12:1
Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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