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Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12New International Version (NIV)

James 1:12 Devotional

Perseverance is the Price Tag of the End-Time Reward

Apostle James, in James 1:12, asserts that the blessed one is the one who perseveres (endures). To be blessed is to be happy or highly favored by God.

Therefore, the blessed person is the one who does not give up during trials, which are a part of life. He/she is the person whom God will gift the crown of life.

Maybe we prefer a tangible blessing as opposed to an intangible blessing which is the crown of life. And since James seemed to believe that his audience would be motivated by an intangible reward, I believe that you too will be spurred by the same. Because perseverance is the price tag (cost) of obtaining God’s promised crown of life.

In fact, throughout his whole letter, James emphasizes steadfastness in trials. And steadfastness cannot be without hope. Hope helps us to believe that our reward will be absolutely and completely worth the cost. It also helps us to not lose sight of the end when our present suffering attempts to blind us.

According to Josh Shipp, perseverance is stubbornness with a purpose. Thus, our good Lord has purposed trials as the way to His promised crown. And since God does not promise a trials-free life, He uses His Word and prayer to equip you to endure trials.

God is like a teacher, who teaches you, and then sets, administers, and marks the assessment. And as His keen students, we can pass His test with flying colors.


Lord, I thank You for the promised crown of life that You have laid up in wait for me. I pray that You help me endure the trials that will come my way. And I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

May God grant you the grace to persevere under various trials. Amen.


Daily Bible Reading

Numbers 30-31 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))

James 1:12
Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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