”In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
James 2:17New International Version (NIV)
James 2:17 Devotional (Daily Bible Verse)
Faith is Accompanied by Action
James 2:17 states that biblical “faith is (supposed) to be accompanied by action“. Therefore, it is no wonder that faith without action is considered dead faith (James 2:16-17 and 26).
James 2:14-26
Moreover, James 2:14-26 is the immediate context of James 2:17. In this passage, James argued out the thesis that “faith without action is dead”.
Faith without action is dead
He, therefore, started off by stating that “faith without works cannot save you” because “it is dead” (James 2:14-17). This is because your faith is demonstrated or manifested by your works (James 2:18). Consequently, James concluded that such a faith that was without works was useless (James 2:19-20).
Abraham was justified by his works
Additionally, James backed up his thesis by writing that “Abraham was justified by his works, particularly when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar” (James 2:21 and Genesis 22). James, therefore, opined that “Abraham’s works completed his faith and he ended up being referred to as God’s friend” (James 2:22-23).
Rahab was also justified by her works
He also stated that “Rahab the prostitute was also justified by her works, particularly when she received and sent off the two (2) spies another way” as recorded in Joshua 2 (James 2:25). And in doing so, James gave a second example of ‘faith accompanied by works’ and concluded his argument with the words: “faith without works is dead” (James 2:26).
You are justified by your works of faith
The bottom line is that you are justified by your works of faith. No wonder, James, in James 2:24, wrote that “a person is justified by his works, and not by his faith alone”. He reasoned that this is because “even demons believe” (James 19:b).
Therefore, the final component of your faith is your obedience to God’s word. It is your obedience to God’s word that is the sum of actions that will accompany your faith.
Obey God’s instructions
In other words, James urged you and me to obey God’s instructions. This is what will make us become doers of the word. And “doing the word” requires strength and courage (Joshua 1:7). For we don’t have to do this in our own strength. Because we definitely cannot!
Doers of the word
But in Jesus, we can successfully be doers of the word. Because faith (all talk) without the action of obedience is useless (Matthew 7:21).
Words cannot fully meet your needs and those of others. They cannot feed the hungry, clothe the naked, or shelter the homeless (Matthew 25:32-46 and 1 John 3:16-18).
Because faith comes alive when it is expressed in actions (Acts 2:44-47 and Luke 10:30-37). That is, a faith that is alive is one that is accompanied by actions (obedience).
Dead faith
On the other hand, a faith that is dead is one that is accompanied by actions (obedience). So in essence, disobedience is what will make your faith to be dead.
Lord God, I pray that You reveal to me the inconsistencies between my faith and my actions. I choose to fully believe in your word and the fruits it is meant to produce in my life. Strengthen and grant me the courage to act out my faith.
I pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
2 Kings 16-17 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))