”The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10New International Version (NIV)
John 10:10 Devotional (Daily Bible Verse)
Life to the Full
In John 10:10, Jesus Christ stated that He had come to grant us life to the full. He, therefore, used a figurative speech device to elaborate that He is the good shepherd. And as a good shepherd, He had come to bring the full or abundant life to His flock (humanity). That is, He had come to deliver to us more than is known or expected – righteousness and eternal life.
Jesus Christ even went further and contrasted Himself to other shepherds who had gone before Him. He revealed that the shepherds (leaders) who had come before Him had been thieves and robbers. For they had come to steal, kill and destroy the (His) flock.
In contrast, Jesus had come to protect the flock. That is why He described Himself as the gatekeeper of the sheep pen. And the beauty is that His sheep pen would accommodate other sheep. That is the salvation of the Gentiles. For He had also come to lay down His life for His flock.
Finally, Jesus would enable sheep to go in and out and find pasture. That is Jesus would provide true teaching.
A very good instance is when the Samaritan woman encountered Him. And He offered to satisfy her with His living water (John 4:13-14).
Therefore, in Jesus, you will find the abundant life you have been looking for. He is the source of your salvation. Through Him, you receive the Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord, I thank You for the wonderful plan you have for my life. The words of Jesus, that he came to give life that satisfies, are refreshing to me. I confess that I have been trying to find the things of this world that can satisfy me, but they haven’t worked.
Lord, I believe that You alone can satisfy me with abundant life. Thank You for Your gift of abundant life. I receive it now in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you receive and experience the full life. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Hebrews 11-13 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))