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And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—

John 14:16New International Version (NIV)

John 14:16 Devotional

The Advocate

John 14:16 is part of Jesus’ encouragement to His disciples, where Jesus told them that He would ask God the Father to send them “another” advocate to help and be with them forever (The Greek word translated “another” means “another of the same kind”). And these words were part of Jesus’ private ministry (final instructions) to His disciples just before His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven (John 13-17).

Therefore, the context of this verse comprises Jesus preparing His disciples to be without Him. Because, for three years, He had been with them in every way and they had depended on His presence to help them. And a little while after saying the words He said to them, He would be away from their presence (John 16:7).

But they still needed divine help that comprised comfort, teachings, and encouragement. And this help would be availed through the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit would live in them

Moreover, the help that God would avail to them would live in them. That’s why Jesus told His disciples that He would pray to the Father and that He would send the parakletos (meaning the “one who will come alongside”).

Therefore, just as Jesus had come alongside them, the Holy Spirit would come alongside them. And in so doing, He would be with them.

Additionally, the Holy Spirit would dwell inside them. And this is the reason Jesus told His disciples that it would be to their advantage that He go away.

Jesus was their advocate

Moreover, the Father had sent Jesus (His Son) into the world to be an Advocate for man. But the Son was returning to the Father. And He, therefore, promised to pray to the Father that He would send them another Advocate.

Additionally, Jesus, in His humanity, was limited. He, therefore, needed all disciples to access His divinity. And this was only possible when He was in Spirit.

The Day of Pentecost

Therefore, on the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit came upon the waiting disciples, Peter used the fact of the Holy Spirit coming upon them as proof that Jesus had ascended to the Father (Acts 2:32).

Reflection (Practical Application)

  1. In what areas of your life do you need the Holy Spirit’s advocacy today – The Advocate in Our Daily Battles? (Life is filled with trials, temptations, and spiritual battles. The Holy Spirit, our Advocate, is present in these moments, empowering us to stand firm.)
  2. How can you become more aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your times of weakness – Presence in Times of Weakness? (When we feel weak, vulnerable, or overwhelmed, the Holy Spirit’s presence is our strength. He comforts us in sorrow, guides us in confusion, and strengthens us in weakness.)
  3. Are you listening to the conviction of the Holy Spirit – The Spirit’s Role in Conviction and Guidance? (The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, guiding us toward repentance and righteousness. He also illuminates God’s Word, revealing His truth and guiding us in His will.)
  4. Reflect on how the Holy Spirit continues to empower believers today – Pentecost and Beyond. (Remember the fulfillment of this promise at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, empowering them to be bold witnesses.)
  5. Actions such as prayer, bible study, and obedience to God allow for a greater (continual) filling of the Spirit.

May the truth of John 14:16 resonate deeply within you. You are never alone. The Advocate is with you, forever. Embrace the power of His presence, and walk in the assurance of His unwavering support.



Thank You, Father, for sending the gift of the Holy Spirit, our Advocate, to be my Helper and to come alongside me in every situation, including the difficult ones. I am blessed that I will face all situations in this life with the help of the Holy Spirit. He is with me and in me – to lead and to guide me, and to intercede on my behalf.

Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord, and help me to be constantly aware of Your presence. Help me to listen to His voice and submit to His directions day by day. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


May the Holy Spirit guide, comfort, and strengthen you in all our ways.


Daily Bible Reading

Luke 17-18 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))

John 14:16
Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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