”If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
John 15:7New International Version (NIV)
John 15:7 Devotional
It will be done for you if …
John 15:7 reveals that “It will be done for you if” you remain in Him. That is, God will do it for you, or simply answer your prayer request, if you remain (stay or dwell) in Jesus and Jesus’ words remain in you.
Conditions for answered prayers
Therefore, there are two (2) conditions that you must meet for God to answer your prayers. That is, first, remaining in Jesus, and second, Jesus’ words remaining in you.
Remaining in Jesus
Consequently, we must remain in Jesus just as branches remain (are embedded) in a vine (John 15:1-6). The branches that remain on the vine sap nutrients from the vine. Therefore, they are supplied with the nutrients they require for their growth and fruitfulness – Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (verse 5); instead, we wither.
Similarly, when you remain in Jesus Christ, you are able to have the sap of the Holy Spirit running through you. And the Holy Spirit is then able to supply us with the words, affections, and will of Jesus.
Therefore, as branches, we receive and share the affections and wishes of Christ. And then we are able to walk in agreement with Jesus Christ (Amos 3:3).
Jesus’ words must remain in us
Finally, the words (commands) of Jesus must remain in you (verse 10). This is the second condition.
In other words, Jesus must become an authority in our lives. His words must become an authority in our lives. And we must submit first to Him and then His words.
Therefore, submission in our response to Jesus’ words. Meaning that you have to continuously seek His words through reading the Bible and listening to teachings. And also reminding yourself of the same, through memorizing His words, and totally obeying the same.
Remaining in Jesus and His words remaining in us
Consequently, by remaining in Jesus and having Jesus’ words remain in us, He shapes our desires and our thoughts through His Spirit. And this makes our wishes and desires the same as His.
Therefore, when we pray, we pray according to His will. And when we pray according to the will of Jesus, we will definitely get answered.
Furthermore, it is only natural that a branch should receive exactly what it needs from the vine. Meaning that the vine cannot give the branch what it doesn’t have or what isn’t running through it.
May your connection to the Vine, Jesus, enable things to be done for you. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Genesis 46-48 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))