”“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.
John 5:24New International Version (NIV)
John 5:24 Devotional (Daily Bible Verse)
From Death to Life
In John 5:24, John states that those who believe in the word of Jesus Christ have crossed over “from death to life“. Meaning that hearing and believing the words of Christ is equivalent to believing God (who sent him). And when we believe in God we receive the gift of eternal life.
We were dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1). This death came to us through Adam (1 Cor 15:22) because we inherited sinfulness. And then we committed sins in our disobedience to God.
But Jesus made the profound statement that salvation is a free gift from God for those who believe in his Son, Jesus Christ. Interestingly, it is not that they will pass from death to life, but that they have already.
It, therefore, means that the believer/Christian does not wait for eternal life to begin at death or when Christ returns. Eternal life begins once a person believes in God.
In other words, those who believe will repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ and begin living. After all, He came (incarnated) so that you and I could receive life (John 10:10) – This is the true mission of our Lord’s coming into the world, to bring men eternal life.
Therefore, those who believe in Jesus Christ commence the journey of eternal life at the point of belief (John 3:36). That is, eternal life begins at the time of believing. And then the crossing over from death to life occurs at the point of salvation.
“Has crossed” is actually in a tense that indicates that the crossing from eternal death to eternal life occurred in the past with the result going on to the present (perfect tense). Therefore, the crossing over from spiritual death to eternal life becomes permanent (eternal).
To have eternal life now is to possess God’s gift for eternity. It is life in the kingdom of God, under the Lordship of King Jesus.
Consequently, when a person believes in Jesus, he immediately crosses over from eternal death (or spiritual death) to eternal life (1 John 3:14). Because those who believe in God’s message (the gospel or good news) possess complete title to eternal life (John 10:28). Therefore, the acquittal of salvation is immediate upon belief in Jesus (Colossians 1:13).
John 5:24 says that the person who believes Jesus’ words will never come to judgment (John 3:18 and Romans 8:1). Therefore, there will be no condemnation now or in eternity for the believer/Christian. This is because Jesus Christ already paid the penalty for our sins on the cross (at Calvary). And God does not demand that payment be made twice – Jesus paid it once and for all.
Thank you, Lord, for releasing me from condemnation. My crossing over from spiritual death to everlasting life is for eternity. And I trust that I am not under judgment because I am not condemned in Jesus Christ our Lord. He already paid the price of my transgressions, the penalty for my sins, on the cross.
Father, I, therefore, thank You in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Philippians 1-4 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))