”That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.
Joshua 7:12New International Version (NIV)
Joshua 7:12 Devotional
Faithfulness is the Key to Success
Joshua 7:12 reveals that the Israelites made themselves liable to destruction. This is because one among them had taken for himself items that had been set aside for destruction. And Achan was this man.
Consequently, Achan had taken for himself that which had been devoted to destruction. Therefore, he had sinned.
Like Achan, sometimes you may feel that you deserve more than you have been given. So you may simply take it upon yourself to take more. Because God may seem distant and un-understanding, and what you need is right before you.
It may even be harmless to take it. And you may feel justified to take or partake.
Needless to say, Achan felt this way. He knew God’s rules about the loot. But he felt justified in taking plunder for himself, maybe even to help provide for his family.
However, God does not rule by democracy. He rules by theocracy. And He certainly does not put up with self-justified theft (actions).
Therefore, to stand firm in your Christian life and live victoriously, you have to be faithful in keeping God’s demands (commands). God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us in this regard.
Success is not a result of your strength, it is God fighting for you. And this should be the reason for your faithfulness to Him.
Defeat, therefore, is the result of your unfaithfulness to God (Matthew 25:14-30). Because God is absent, you will fight life’s battles on your own.
Therefore, faithfulness, just like unfaithfulness, is connected to success and failure in life. But faithfulness or unfaithfulness is a choice (Matthew 16:24 and Joshua 7:21).
Consequently, faithfulness is the door to victories/success (fruitfulness – John 15). Faithfulness is founded on obedience and is sustained through the same.
On the contrary, disobedience (sin) disrupts accomplishments (success). Therefore, do not compromise (sin). And if you do, do not hide the sin. It must be dealt with immediately, while there is still room and time for repentance.
Lord God, my Success, I thank You. Help me identify instances of disobedience so that I may repent of them as soon as they occur. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you offer yourself to God for restoration in repentance so as not to make yourself liable to destruction through the hiding of disobedience (sin). Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Numbers 7 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))