”When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."
Luke 5:4New International Version (NIV)
Luke 5:4 Devotional
Let down the nets for a catch
“Let down the nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4) are the words Jesus used to instruct Simon Peter to let down the nets for a catch. And Jesus’ words came after a night of no catch.
However, Jesus’ command was against Peter’s good judgment as an experienced fisherman. But nevertheless, Peter obeyed.
Obedience is what God requires
Similarly, when God called Abraham out of his native land, to go to a place where He would show him, Abraham obeyed (Genesis 12:1-4a). It didn’t make sense to Abraham, but he obeyed God. And this is what God requires us to do whenever He commands us.
Another similarity is found in king Joash (2 Kings 13:18-19). When the prophet Elisha told king Joash to “take the arrows and strike the ground”, he only struck the ground three times.
Therefore, Elisha was angry with him for stopping at three strikes. And he told Joash that he would only strike Syrians only three times.
But if Joash would have struck the ground five or six times, then he would have completely wiped out the Syrians. And this didn’t happen because Joash didn’t “fully” obey.
Peter let down one of five nets
In Luke 5:4, we are told that Peter let down one net for a catch. And this was a good thing because Peter was letting down the net again. At least he was obeying Jesus as required.
Now, the boats that Peter used for fishing had 4 to 5 nets. And Jesus had commanded him to let down the nets. But he let down only one.
Consequently, when Peter let down the one net, he partially obeyed. Therefore, he caught a partial catch.
Nevertheless, that partial catch was “such a large number of fish that their net began to break”. But what if he had let down the nets as instructed? I think he would have caught an even larger number of fish. And this is how you and I need to obey God; fully.
Fisher of men
Unknown to Peter, a large number of fish that he caught by Jesus’ power and authority was a pointer to what would happen later after Jesus had ascended. He would be part of God’s plan of catching a large number of fish or disciples (Acts 5:14, 14:1).
Full obedience
This, therefore, means that in order to exploit the fullness of what God has for you, you have got to carefully listen to His instruction and then fully obey the same. This is what will enable you to reach your full potential in Him.
Additionally, 1 Samuel 15:22 states that “obedience is better than sacrifice.” Therefore, listen and fully obey God’s instructions to you.
Most often than not, God’s commands will not make sense. But your proper response is to fully obey God’s instructions.
Consequently, you need to obey and trust Christ to help you gather disciples for His rest (Matthew 11:28-30) and joy (John 15:11), and eternal life (John 3:36). You are His current instrument in the fishing of men.
Lord God, I thank You for the work of fishing men. I humble myself to You in readiness to obey Your word concerning my fishing of men. And I look forward to reaching my full potential as I obey Your commands. This is my prayer in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you fully hear and obey God’s instruction that is meant to restore and increase your fortunes. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Jeremiah 29-31 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))