”For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Mark 10:45New International Version (NIV)
Mark 10:45 Devotional
The Son of Man Came to Serve
Mark 10:45 states that The Son of Man, our Lord Jesus Christ, came to serve. He, thus, demonstrated servant leadership to His disciples, and by extension, you and I.
Therefore, in Mark chapter 10 verses 45, Jesus clearly stated that His purpose for coming was two-fold. The first was to serve (minister) and the second was to give His life as a ransom (payment) for mankind under the bondage (power) of sin. And no wonder, in Isaiah 53:4-12, Jesus is described as a suffering servant.
However, in all His service to us, Jesus neither expected anything in return nor lost His lordship.
Consequently, if you want what Jesus has to give, you can’t buy it or work for it. As Creator, He is beyond what you can purport to offer Him.
Therefore, all you and I can do is submit to Him and His amazing offer. And we do this through faith so that He can serve us.
Jesus’ words in this verse are therefore very important. They have a primary intention in that they were meant to serve as an example to us His followers of the ultimate example of what it looks like to pursue true ‘greatness’ in the right way. And if we want to be great in His kingdom, then we need to humble ourselves down to become the kind of servant that our Lord was.
In addition, the core of your calling by God is service to your neighbors (Luke 10:25-37). Service is the only thing that qualifies the leadership part of your calling, for it is in service that you can change the world as Christ did. Therefore, concentrate on the needs of others.
Lord, I thank You for calling me into Your great, noble service. Help me be an effective servant leader. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you be service-oriented as you administer your calling. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Leviticus 16-18 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))