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The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

Proverbs 18:10New International Version (NIV)

Proverbs 18:10 Devotional

The Name of the Lord is a Fortified Tower

Proverbs 18:10 tells you and me that the Name of the Lord is a fortified tower. Therefore, we can run to it for protection and safety. And the beauty is that you are assured of full protection and safety from danger.

The Fortified Tower

The fortified tower of a kingdom or city was the tallest and most centrally located structure within the walls of a castle. The walls of a kingdom or city were designed to be the first defense mechanism against threats to its inhabitants.

For example, when the Israelites crossed River Jordan, they came upon the city of Jericho, which was surrounded by impenetrable walls as recorded in the book of Joshua. And these walls provided protection and safety to the inhabitants of Jericho.

Therefore, the Israelites couldn’t have penetrated the walls of Jericho without God’s weird strategy. Yet they were supposed to conquer the city.

Consequently, Joshua led the Israelites in obeying God’s instructions, and the walls of Jericho came down. And the Israelites conquered the city of Jericho.

Additionally, remember the fortified tower lay in the center of the walls of a city or kingdom. Therefore, in case the walls were breached, then the inhabitants were to run into the fortified tower.

Protection and Safety

Therefore, the fortified tower was designed and built to be the last surviving part of a castle. And no wonder, the Wise Man states that “the righteous run to God’s Name, which is a fortified tower, for protection and safety” (Proverbs 18:10).

Consequently, in this natural/physical world, if a storm arises, we will normally seek protection and safety in a physical structure, like a tower. But you and I know that even a physical structure can fail us.

Therefore, as it is in the natural world, where storms are unavoidable, so it is in the spiritual world. Consequently, when the storms of life come, and they will surely come, we’ll definitely need a shelter/tower, which I hope will be God’s Name. For the Lord welcomes you and me to run to Him for protection and safety (Psalm 46:1), as we shall stand strong behind the power of His Name.

God’s Name is our (spiritual) tower, thus, our strong tower in the face of the storms of life. And this means that you and I can run to His Name when we need His protection.


Since “run” is an action verb, then you must be prepared to run to God’s Name to find safety. This is as simple as calling on His Name in prayer, of course when we need His protection. And for sure, you will receive protection and safety.

Therefore, when the righteous are in danger or when they are faced with potential danger, they can call upon God’s Name. This is their assurance of protection and safety. For God is their place of a safe refuge where their safety will be guaranteed.


Lord, You are my safety. I pledge to always run to You for protection. And this is my prayer in Jesus’ Name, Amen.



To you who are righteous, may you know that God is your safety whenever you need protection! Amen.


Daily Bible Reading

James 1-5 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))

Proverbs 18:10
Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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