”Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23New International Version (NIV)
Proverbs 4:23 Devotional
Guard Your Heart
Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to guard our hearts against what comes in because everything that we do originates from the same. That is, good and evil find their way into our hearts, and finally, either or both manifest in our conduct (behavior), especially through our mouths (speech).
Therefore, if you want to know or learn somebody, you focus on their speech – how they talk. Because the tongue is the mirror of the heart – their words reveal the person for out of the abundance of their hearts they will speak.
Consequently, if the person raises their voice when they’re upset and use vulgar language, then they are abusive and toxic and will call you names. If they keep on complaining, they’re emotionally unstable. And if they’re full of themselves in their talks and never apologize, then they’re narcists. And also, if they gossip about others, they will talk ill of you.
Additionally, if a person is excited about immorality, that’s what they’ll speak about. And if it’s only work and business, then they’ll not talk about family.
The heart
But when the Bible talks about the heart, it is never about the physical heart. It is usually talking about the mind or the will. And it is in the mind and the will that we make our life decisions – life is a function of our decisions.
Therefore, every choice you make and every decision that you take is influenced by your will or your mind. That is your heart. Meaning that your life is a function of your heart.
Additionally, what is in your heart is what determines your life. Therefore, the blessing or evil in your life is courtesy of your heart. And the blessing or evil that you project in the lives of others, depends on what’s in your heart.
The output of the heart is what defiles
It’s therefore no wonder, that in Mark 7:20-22, Jesus revealed that what comes out of our hearts is what defiles us. For every sin starts in the heart, and your character and speech, consequently and only reflect what’s in your heart.
Therefore, if garbage goes into our hearts, then the garbage is what will manifest in our lives. That is garbage in, garbage out.
Consequently, if you let in ungodly things, you will become ungodly. But if you let in godly things, you will definitely become more godly.
Guard your heart
Therefore, you are to only allow that which builds you and others up into your heart. What corrupts is to be kept out. Corruption comes through what we watch, listen to, and do, and the sins we commit.
As a Christian, you are to read and meditate on God’s word (Joshua 1:8). Reading and meditating will enable God’s word to dwell in your heart.
Consequently, you will guard your heart as Proverbs 4:23 instructs. And you will live (act) in a manner that is consistent with God’s word. You will not sin intentionally.
Lord God, forgive me for the careless words I have spoken. I want to reflect You in my community by living out what Your word says.
Jesus, You said that “Your sheep hear Your voice, and follow You.” And this is how I, Your sheep, will guard my heart, by Your word. You are my light and life.
My heart is the citadel of my soul. I certainly cannot keep my heart on my own. God, You keep us by Your word. You give me an appetite for it, and nourishment from it.
I am therefore ready to follow Your ways. Teach me your ways. And this is my prayer in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you receive the grace to guard your heart. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Jeremiah 1-3 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))