”For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:5New International Version (NIV)
Psalm 100:5 Devotional
The Lord is Good and Loving
Psalm 100:5 declares that the Lord God is good, with a love that endures forever. He is dependable because His faithfulness remains, even when yours fails (2 Timothy 2:13).
In fact, a careful reading of Matthew 1:1-17 reminds you and me that God’s love, mercy, and faithfulness not only continued through all of those generations but also blessed and nurtured each of those generations. And therefore, as He has done in the past, God will do so even more in the days ahead, even as we await the glorious return of his Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, you ought to praise God for His goodness, love, and faithfulness. His goodness, love, and faithfulness are written all over what He has done.
Remember, it is all about the great things He has done for us. And nothing about us, but only just Him. And this is really the Psalmist’s message to us.
Therefore, the Psalmist is talking about encouraging one another in acknowledging God’s gracious acts for us. Moreso His gracious act through the death of Jesus Christ for us on the cross. This, as we have earlier noted, was and still continues to be a multigenerational undertaking. And this implies that God’s work and blessings in our lives are multigenerational.
Consequently, we really do not need any other reason to praise God and thank Him. But because we can find other reasons to praise Him, then that should improve the quality of our praise.
Lord, I exalt You for You are good and Your love endures forever. Thank You for Your greatness and faithfulness. I bless You in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Numbers 8-9 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))