”But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
Psalm 13:5New International Version (NIV)
Psalm 13:5 Devotional (Daily Bible Verse)
But I trust in your unfailing love
Psalm 13:5, containing the words “But I trust in your unfailing love“, captures David’s declaration of faith in God in the midst of long-term suffering.
David’s enemy looked like he was about to get him
Therefore, in spite of David’s repeated prayers for salvation(verses 3 to 4), his enemy looked like he was about to get him. And God seemed to be far away (distant) from him (verses 1 to 2). So his suffering and anxiety had been prolonged.
Moreover, it could be that you are in this kind of situation. Or maybe, you were previously in such a kind of situation. And therefore you can relate to David’s situation.
Consequently, in the thick of God’s delay, what will you do? Or what did you do?
David started by stating the problem of God’s delay in saving him
Therefore, observe that David started his Psalm by stating his problem which was God’s delay in saving him. Therefore, David cried out in anguish. For God seemed unavailable to save him from his enemy/enemies.
Nevertheless, David asked God to remember him in his suffering. He desperately wanted God to present Himself in his situation.
David then continued to petition God
Thereafter, David progressed to continuing to petition God concerning his enemy/enemies who seemed to be about to get his/their way with him. He asked God to answer and enlighten him. And he finished by asking God to not give his enemy/enemies room to be victorious.
David, therefore, continued to petition God. And I am reminded of two widows who persisted until they received the answers to their prayers.
First is the Persistent Widow in Luke 18:1-8, who continued to petition the judge until she got justice. And second is the widow who refused to leave prophet Elisha’s presence before she had received her son back alive (1 Kings 17:17-18).
Therefore, persistence enables you to get to, and get the answer to your prayers. And that removes your anguish and anxiety.
David declared that he still trusted God
Finally, despite God’s silence, David declared that he would trust in God’s unfailing love – no wonder he used the word “but”. He reassured himself that God had not forgotten him or abandoned him.
Consequently, you must trust in the fact that God loves you with an unfailing love – David was very intentional about his declaration of trust in God. Therefore, He will not forsake you (Hebrews 13:5), even when it seems like He has turned His back on you. And you must not stop seeking Him and His salvation.
Hezekiah faced a similar situation
Moreover, Hezekiah faced a similar situation to David’s. In his case, the king of Assyria threatened to conquer Jerusalem. He, therefore, told Hezekiah that he had misplaced his trust by placing it in God. For God would not deliver him from his hand.
Therefore, God sent the prophet Isaiah to prophesy to him that Sennacherib would not have his way. God would deal with him thoroughly.
Faith is what is usually under attack
Consequently, you will notice that your faith is what is usually under attack. For Sennacherib attacked Hezekiah’s trust (faith) in God.
But God through Isaiah maintained Hezekiah’s faith. The prophet assured him of God’s intervention.
Therefore, you need to internalize that attacks against you are really attacks against your faith in God. And that your focus shouldn’t be on your salvation, but on God’s glory when He delivers you. No wonder David looked forward to rejoicing in God’s salvation (Psalm 13:5).
Moreover, I have observed that God “delays” whenever the suffering situation involves a mature believer. Therefore, you should be able to trust that God has an ultimate good planned for your situation for His glory.
May you renew your trust in God even if He has not yet come through for you. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Exodus 29-31 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))