”You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
Psalm 30:11New International Version (NIV)
Psalm 30:11 Devotional
He will turn mourning into dancing
God can turn your wailing (mourning) into dancing (Psalm 30:11), and your sadness into gladness. And through David, He uses the picture of losing your sackcloth, to show you how He can put aside your mourning, and clothe you with gladness.
David is a man who faced many problems and confronted many enemies. He also battled discouragement. When he made mistakes, he ended up dismayed” as he experienced God’s anger.
However, everything would change when he humbled himself and called on the Lord. Thus, David discovered that God could change his circumstances.
He could turn the moments of mourning into times of dancing (celebration). Remove sackcloth, and replace it with joy (Psalm 43:4).
That’s why David could be confident and not fearful about his circumstances. He could become joyful such that he sang songs of praise. Instead of cursing his circumstances or drowning in anguish, he could be filled with thanksgiving.
Therefore, God can lift you out of sadness into joy. He can change hopelessness into hope. If He did it for David, he can do it for you.
He may not stop your mourning and sadness, but He will transform them into dancing and joy respectively. We serve an awesome God whose raw materials for divine transformation are your sorrows, disappointments, tragedies, and failures. He does this in His time and for His glory.
God can change our darkness into light when we commit these situations to God. He can turn it around. Just trust Him with your situation.
Lord, I surrender my mourning and sadness to You. Please turn them into dancing and gladness respectively. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May you submit your wailing to Him so that He can transform it into dancing and joy. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Ezekiel 5-9 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))