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The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;

Psalm 37:23New International Version (NIV)

Psalm 37:23 Devotional

The LORD firms the steps of the one who delights in him

Psalm 37:23 states that “The Lord firms the steps of the one who delights in Him“. That is, the person who has committed his way to God will have his/her steps firmed (guided, directed, or made reliable/sure) by God.

Earlier in this Psalm, David explains that, when we commit our way to the Lord, He will bring about our righteousness. Then when he gets to verse 23, he proclaims that God firms (orders or directs) the individual steps of the person who takes delight in Him. Meaning that when you delight in God, He will firm your steps.

Therefore, this shows us that God has given directions as to the way his people should walk (live) in this world (in faith). And God’s Word is our blueprint (road map) for the Christian life.

Everything that God wants us to know is found in His Word. In every situation you can think of, God has already said something about it. He has given direction as to how we should respond and deal with the same.

All we have to do is read and study God’s Word! That is how you and I will understand God’s will for our lives.

When you gave your heart to the Lord, your journey stopped being wander-ful and aimless. It turned into a journey planned, willed, and Ordained by the Lord. This is because the Lord has a specific plan for every one of His.

Consequently, you were not saved to wander aimlessly in life. But God saved you to do and to be what He had planned for you. He made plans for you even before the creation of everything.

Remember, the Lord is the Great Shepherd and we are His Sheep. As the True Shepherd, God desires that His Sheep be led properly.


Do you trust God to firm (order or establish) your steps?


Daily Bible Reading

Matthew 18-20 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))

Psalm 37:23
Cliff Lukaye

Author Cliff Lukaye

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