”Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea—the Lord on high is mighty.
Psalm 93:4New International Version (NIV)
Psalm 93:4 Devotional (Daily Bible Verse)
Mightier is the LORD
Psalm 93:4 declares that the Lord is mighty. No wonder, the Psalmist declared that “He is mightier than the thunders of the great waters”.
Moreover, the Psalmist, in this Psalm, portrayed the battle as being between the floods and the LORD. He, therefore, compared the might of the flood against the might of the Lord.
Consequently, he wrote that “the waters lift their voice, roaring in confidence, and thundering their threats”. But he aptly declared that God is “mightier than the thunders of the many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea.”
Symbols and symbolism
In the poetic language of the Psalms and the Bible, waters (seas) usually symbolize humanity or nations. Therefore, “the thunders of the great waters” symbolized the chaos of men. And the “breakers of the sea” symbolize the manner in which men manifest chaos.
This, therefore, means that God is above the chaos of men. For men, because of sin, perpetually raise chaos on earth and in the lives of fellow men. But God’s might (sovereignty) is our hope in such situations.
God Almighty
After all, God is the God Almighty. The flooding waters, therefore, have nothing on Him.
Therefore, let no men, in power or otherwise, seem to be mightier than God in your eyes. God is mightier than such men.
He is also mightier than the schemes of men, even when they fashion weapons aimed at striking you down. God has your back covered. You can trust Him on this because you have and are assured of victory in Him.
In addition, God is also mightier than the consequences of sin. Remember, the consequences of sin are destructive. But God assures us of victory over the same.
Lord God, indeed You are mightier! I choose to trust You in all the chaos that is in my life. And I also place my trust in you for all the chaos that may arise in my life. For I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Job 5-8 (see How to Read the Bible in One Year or How to Read the Bible (for Beginners))